- He took an antidote for the poison. 他服了对付那种毒物的解毒剂。
- A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison. 解毒剂一种药物复合剂,以前用于解毒
- an antidote for snakebite; 毒蛇咬伤的解毒药;
- Do you have any antidote for a snakebite? 你有治疗毒蛇咬伤的解毒药吗?
- Luckily, there is an antidote for hydrangea poisoning, and doctors might also give you drugs to address to ease your symptoms. 在此之前,医生会尝试进行引流,帮助你能更轻松呼吸,让你服用药物以回到平时正常心律。
- We urgently need an antidote against snakebite. 我们急需蛇咬解毒药。
- As for the medical properties of rhinoceros horn, it is beneficial for treatment of high fever and as an antidote for a wide variety of poisons. 他又说其实犀角所含的成份作药用时,能解人体内的五脏之毒、暑毒及大热症等,尤其是对发高热不退,以及被火烧伤而血中毒至火毒攻心,更有特殊功效。
- This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite. 这种药草可以用作被蛇咬后的解毒药。
- An avalanche of research reveals that aerobic exercise not only promotes health and energy, it also is an antidote for mild depression and anxiety. 研究雪崩表明有氧运动不仅促进健康增添活力而且还消除轻微的消沉和焦虑。
- Quinine is a natural antidote for this fever. 奎宁是治疗这种热病的天然药。
- There is no known antidote for this poison. 这种毒药没有解药。
- Jogging is an antidote to nervous tension. 慢跑是消除精神紧张的良药。
- FAITH is the only known antidote for FAILURE! 信心是失意落魄的唯一解毒验方。
- Jogging as an antidote to nervous tension. 慢跑是消除精神紧张的一剂良药
- Experts look forward to improvements in worldwide treatment for snakebite. 专家们期待有关蛇咬伤的全球治疗方案的出台。
- Yogurt: An Antidote to Bad Breath? 酵母乳:是口气差时的解毒剂?
- Pliny recommended it as an antidote to poison. 普林尼推荐它,作为一种解毒剂。
- Skepticism is the antidote for the confirmation bias. 怀疑的态度正是确认偏颇的解药。
- An antidote against poison, especially a confection formerly held to be an antidote to all poisons. 解毒药解除毒性的解毒剂,尤指用来对付一切毒药的解毒膏
- A smile is nature's best antidote for discouragement. 微笑是至于治愈气馁的最好良药。